PLEASE ATTEND: Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Inaugural Meeting Tuesday September 25 6:30-7:45 p.m. First Texas Honda Conference Room

From the City of Austin:

North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Approved By City Council – Neighborhood Plan Contact Team By-laws Adoption and Officer Elections at 9/25/18 Meeting

The City of Austin is pleased to announce the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan was unanimously approved by City Council on August 23rd. The plan is now an element of the Comprehensive Plan, and the North Shoal Creek Future Land Use Map will guide land use decisions within the planning area.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the putting the plan together! This is your plan, and the visions and actions established in the plan will shape the neighborhood for years to come. Going forward, the Adopted Neighborhood Plan, Future Land Use Map, Neighborhood Plan Amendment (NPA) and Case and Ordinance Information, Contact Team Bylaws, Contact Team Record in the Community Registry and status of Neighborhood Plan Recommendations will be maintained on this web page: Please bookmark it for reference.

Members of the North Shoal Creek Ad-Hoc Bylaw Development Committee have been hard at work drafting bylaws that are consistent with the City of Austin Land Development Code provisions. Please join them and City staff on Tuesday September 25, 2018 to establish a Neighborhood Plan Contact Team for the North Shoal Creek Planning Area by voting on the draft North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Bylaws and by holding officer elections. Only qualified members of the North Shoal Creek planning area will be eligible to vote. Meeting details and qualifications for voting are given below.

Meeting Date: Tuesday September 25, 2018
Time: 6:30pm – 7:45pm
Location: First Texas Honda Conference Room 3400 Steck Ave., Austin, TX 78757
Parking is available in the parking spaces facing Steck Avenue (west of the entrance drive) and in the overflow parking lot off of Shoal Creek Boulevard.

North Shoal Creek Neighborhood contact team members will have these duties:
• They serve as the stewards of the City Council adopted North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan.
• They work to implement the plan’s vision, goals and recommendations.
• They provide recommendations to the City of Austin on proposed plan amendments.

To be eligible to vote on the bylaws and for contact team officers, you must meet one of the membership categories as per the Land Development Code:

Membership Categories:
• Property owner
• Residential renter
• Business owner
• Neighborhood organization member owning or renting property within the neighborhood plan area.

North Shoal Creek planning area boundaries:  
North:    US 183
South:   Anderson Lane
East:     Burnet Road
West:    MoPac
Please see map on page 2 of the draft bylaws

• The draft bylaws will be reviewed and voted upon.
• Officer nominations will be presented. Nominations can also be accepted from the floor.
• Proof of eligibility–such as a driver’s license or utility bill–will be required to vote.

Please review the draft North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Contact Team bylaws prior to the meeting. Relevant excerpts from the bylaws relating to membership requirements and officers, along with their duties, are listed below.

Section 9—Officers and Duties
A. The officers of the North Shoal Creek NPCT shall be, at a minimum:  Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.
B. Duties of the officers are as follows:
1) The Chair shall be responsible for the operation of the North Shoal Creek NPCT and its officers pursuant to these bylaws. This shall include conducting meetings, representing the team at official functions, appointing subcommittees, and generally overseeing the business of the North Shoal Creek NPCT.  The Chair shall have the primary responsibility for coordinating with the City of Austin planners on Neighborhood Plan related issues.
2) The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in preparing meeting agendas and conducting meetings and shall assume all duties of the Chair when required.
3) The Secretary shall maintain all written records as required in Section 5C of these by-laws. The Secretary shall produce all written communications as directed by the Chair or the NPCT membership.
4) The Secretary shall submit annually to the City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department a list of the current officers and members eligible to vote and the contact information.
5) The Secretary shall annually submit to the City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department bylaws consistent with the standardized template addressing roles and responsibilities, boundaries, membership, decision making, meetings, meeting notification, elections and duties of officers, finances, conflicts of interest and amendments to the bylaws.

If you have any questions about the Neighborhood Plan Contact Team By-laws meeting, contact Margaret Valenti at (512) 974-2648 or via

Once again, thanks for all of your help with the plan and we hope to see you on September 25th.


Jeff Engstrom, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department
(512) 974-1621

PLEASE ATTEND: Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Inaugural Meeting Tuesday September 25 6:30-7:45 p.m. First Texas Honda Conference Room