We Want Your Input on the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Draft Elements

We are approaching the final meetings for the North Shoal Creek neighborhood plan. We invite every resident, business, and property owner in the neighborhood to join us for the upcoming workshop on Saturday, February 25th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Pillow Elementary School cafeteria. Please join us for refreshments and a conversation with your fellow residents about your neighborhood. At the meeting we will discuss the draft Future Land Use Map, draft Visions and Policies, and application of CodeNEXT. After the February workshop there will be at least one more public meeting to comment on the draft plan prior to the formal adoption process.

In addition to the upcoming meetings, please visit the North Shoal Creek Plan web page for more information about the neighborhood and the planning process. The page is your hub for everything that has been going on with the plan since we began last October.

Please plan on attending and sharing your vision for the North Shoal Creek neighborhood!


Jeff Engstrom, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department
(512) 974-1621

We Want Your Input on the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Draft Elements