Reminder: General Meeting this Tuesday 6:30 PM

General Meeting
North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association (NSCNA)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008; 6:30pm-7:50pm
Pillow Elementary School Cafeteria

Presentation by Sustainable Neighborhoods and other business as necessary.

TOPIC (time)
1. Call to order, introductions, approve agenda (5 min)
–Observe manners during debate
— (special rule:) Limit comments to 2 minutes

2.Guest Speaker: Steve Zettner, Sustainable Neighborhoods (45 min)
– Presentation on organization
– Motion to support effort to require more green space in VMU developments.

3. Announcements (5 min)
– Next general (January) meeting: January 6
– Nominations and elections

4. Approve minutes (10 min)

5. Officer and Committee reports (as time permits)

6. Adjourn by 7:50pm

Reminder: General Meeting this Tuesday 6:30 PM