Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Time: Immediately after General Membership Meeting (approx. 8 pm)
Location: Outside Pillow Elementary, 3025 Crosscreek Dr.
Dear Neighbors,
At our September 7 General Meeting, we decided to apply for a City of Austin Urban Forest Grant, to plant trees around our neighborhood for shade and heat mitigation.
This month we got some great news: The City has approved our application, and awarded us $8,000 for this project.
This is a great opportunity for our neighborhood. The project will not require any association funds. It will require volunteer effort and continuing oversight from our Beautification Committee, which I’m confident we can provide.
I’d like to see us act quickly to claim these funds and get the project underway. The next step is for the board to approve the contract. Unfortunately, the current board is unable to meet before the end of the year, and we will be electing a new board very shortly — at our meeting on January 4.
Therefore, I would like to call a Special Meeting of the NSCNA Board of Directors on January 4, immediately after the General Meeting, to be held out front of Pillow Elementary, for the purpose of approving the Urban Forest Grant contract.
I am not making any presumption about next year’s board (or President), and the newly elected board may very well choose not to act on this item. But by issuing this call for a special meeting, I am giving them the option to meet and act, so those funds can be claimed without further delay.
I will contact 2011 nominees (both those recommended by the Nominating Committee and anybody else who expresses interest) with this information. Please let me know if you would like a review copy of the contract. You can call me at 573-5174 or email me at
Chip Rosenthal
NSCNA President 2010