Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010
Time: 4 – 8 pm
Location: Austin City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street
The City of Austin is considering holding a transportation bond election this fall. Some of the projects our neighborhood needs, such as sidewalk improvements and the Anderson Urban Trail project (improving the trail alongside the Village shopping center) are on the master “gaps” list.
Unfortunately, at this time, none of these projects are ranked high enough to qualify for funding.
The city’s transportation improvement projects will be presented during an open house this Thursday. This is an opportunity to learn more about how the city made its funding decisions.
Here is the announcement for the event:
Whether it’s traffic congestion on MoPac or incomplete sidewalks in your neighborhood, transportation is Austin’s No. 1 issue. As part of the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, the city is assembling a package of transportation improvements that could go before the voters in a bond election as soon as this November.
The Open House is another chance for citizens to learn about important short-term and long-term transportation projects and share their ideas. Since December, thousands of Austinites have offered their input to the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan at public forums and via the Web portal.
Visuals: Maps, visuals and graphics available for future transportation projects
Available Sources:
City staff from the Austin Transportation Department
Members of the Council-appointed Citizens Task Force
Members of the City Council may also be present at the Open HouseProject Website: