Wednesday, July Fourth, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at Pillow Elementary School
9:00 a.m.: Gather in the circle drive at the Pillow Elementary School entrance. To be eligible for a prize, register and pick up a number at the Parade Registration Table at Pillow
9:10 a.m.: Brief opening ceremony
9:20 a.m.: The parade begins
10:30 a.m. Raffle winners announced
Be sure to dress in your best patriotic wear.
Prizes Awarded For:
Best bike decoration (adult) Best bike decoration (child) Best historic decoration/costume (adult) Best historic decoration/costume (child)
Best wagon decoration Youngest participant
Most patriotic dog Most creative overall
Food and Games: After the parade, the celebration moves to the tent pavilion on the playground behind the school. Enjoy fun activities with your neighbors and stay for the announcement of raffle winners at 10:30 a.m. The best-decorated winners (see above) will also be announced at that time. Activities include:
Local snowcone trailer Face painting Games for kids
Austin Fire Department
Plus, don’t forget to swing by our membership table and join NSCNA. Your $15.00 membership helps support events like this!